Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Lawyer

You owe it to yourself to contact an award-winning Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Lawyer for a free and comprehensive evaluation of your Pennsylvania Workers Compensation case. If you’ve been injured on the job in Pennsylvania and want to know what your case is worth, or your claim has been denied, and are interested in a lump sum settlement for your case, contact us today!

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Experienced PA Workers Comp Lawyers

If you have been hurt on the job, you are probably in pain with medical and household bills piling up. If you have been denied PA Workers Compensation benefits you are entitled to or are currently on benefits, you need help now for our experienced workers’ comp lawyers in PA. With our tremendous amount of experience and delighted clients, we’re the perfect fit for you.

Our Pennsylvania Workers Compensation lawyers will evaluate your case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive. You do not pay me, or my law firm, a dime for our experienced representation until the insurance company hands you the check that you are entitled to receive. We pay all of your costs for you. You will not be pestered with receiving a bill for litigation costs while our firm is handling your case. We know that times are tough and that being hurt at work puts you in an impossible position to pay for things like doctor reports, trial transcriptions, and expensive deposition fees charged by your doctors while we are fighting to win your case. You owe it to yourself to set up and have a free consultation with us.

Choosing the Best Workers Comp Lawyers in PA

As experienced workers compensation lawyers in Pennsylvania, we understand the complicated PA Workers Compensation laws. You want someone with real client reviews, incredible experience, and a certified specialist in the Practice of Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation Law as Authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. You need to contact our team if any of the following circumstances may or will apply to you:

  • You have been injured on the job
  • You want to know what your case is worth
  • Your workers compensation claim has been denied
  • You are receiving wage loss for your injury
  • You are receiving medical benefits for your injury
  • Your medical benefits have been denied or challenged
  • Your prescription benefits have been denied or challenged
  • You are interested in a lump sum settlement for your case

With our experience, we fight for you!

Smigel, Anderson, and Sacks, LLC

Top rated Workers’ Compensation Attorney

In 2023, for the 8th time, Smigel, Anderson, and Sacks, LLP has had a lawyer win Pennsylvania Super Lawyer in the area of worker’s compensation. Considered among the best lawyers in their profession, Super Lawyers represent the top five percent (5%) of the practicing attorneys in Pennsylvania and are selected by their peers in an extensive nomination and polling (36,000 ballots) process conducted by Law and Politics. Similarly, we have been voted “Simply the Best” workers compensation attorney in 2023 by Harrisburg Magazine.

Want to know what your case is worth?

We’ll evaluate your case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive.


PA Workers Compensation Claims for Slips, Falls, and Electrocution Accidents

In Pennsylvania, if a worker is injured as a result of tripping, slipping, or electrical shocks they may be entitled to PA workers’ compensation benefits. Those most at risk for tripping or slipping on the job include construction workers, retail workers, and workers in the restaurant/food industry. These instances often occur in situations where a mess is not mopped up or when something is left out in the middle of the workspace. Those that are most at risk of being electrocuted include electricians, engineers, constructions workers, and maintenance workers.

When working with electricity on the job, it is important to remain safe. All equipment should be thoroughly inspected, all workers should be properly trained, and all people working in an unfamiliar territory should have a map with the location of all electrical hazards. All hazards should be labeled as well.

We’re happy to evaluate your slips, falls, or electrocution injury case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive. You do not pay us a dime for our experienced representation until the insurance company hands you the check.

PA Workers Compensation Claims for Car Accidents and Equipment Accidents

In Pennsylvania, if a worker gets in a car accident as a result of a work-related errand or trip, they may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Car accidents can occur in difficult weather conditions and are common on business trips and errands. Furthermore, an injury that occurs when an employee is required to travel outside of their normal work route (for example, to attend a conference) is most likely covered by Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits.

On-the-job injuries caused by equipment, whether it be faulty, broken or not, are covered by Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits as well. On the job site, it is important that all equipment is regularly inspected and kept in safe, working condition. Often, workers that receive injuries as a result of faulty equipment work in the construction, mining, hydrofracking, landscaping, or maintenance industry. It is the responsibility of your employer to provide you with safe, reliable tools to use.

We’re happy to evaluate your equipment accident or car accident at work injury case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive. You do not pay us a dime for our experienced representation until the insurance company hands you the check.

PA Workers Compensation Claims for Back, Neck, Shoulder, and Head Injuries

In Pennsylvania, workers who injure their backs, necks, heads, or shoulders on the job are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Some of the most common careers that can lead to back, neck and shoulder injuries include physical labor jobs such as construction work, landscaping, maintenance, and hydrofracking, as well as less physical jobs such as office work and retail. The best ways to avoid these injuries on the job include using proper lifting technique, sitting with proper ergonomics, and wearing proper safety equipment. It is also important that workers stretch often and take plenty of breaks.

A concussion is a type of head injury brought on by an action that shakes the brain inside the skull. Concussion symptoms include difficulty thinking or concentrating, being unable to remember new information, headaches, blurry vision, nausea or vomiting, exhaustion, dizziness, sensitivity to light, trouble keeping balance, and sudden emotional changes. Concussions often occur on the job site when someone slips, is hit by a falling object, or falls from a high distance. Concussions can be avoided by following proper safety procedures.

We’re happy to evaluate your neck, shoulder, head, or back injury case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive. You do not pay us a dime for our experienced representation until the insurance company hands you the check.

PA Workers Compensation Claims for Knee, Foot, and Ankle Injuries

In Pennsylvania, if you receive an ankle, foot, or knee injury as a result of a work-related incident, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Foot and ankle injuries often occur when workers fall, slip, or trip. One of the most common ways to avoid ankle and foot injuries is to quickly clean up all spills, keep all debris out of the workplace floor, and wear slip-resistant shoes.

Common jobs that can cause knee injuries include physical labor jobs such as landscaping, maintenance, and hydrofracking. To avoid knee injuries on the job, it’s important to lift using proper technique and also to take plenty of breaks and stretch often.

We’re happy to evaluate your knee, foot, or ankle injury case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive. You do not pay us a dime for our experienced representation until the insurance company hands you the check.

PA Workers Compensation Claims for Carpal Tunnel and Repetitive Strain Injuries

In Pennsylvania, workers who suffer carpal tunnel syndrome or other strain-related injuries are entitled to Pennsylvania workers compensation benefits. Those who often work with vibrating equipment such as jackhammers and sanders, as well those who routinely perform activities that involve repetitive or forceful hand/wrist movements such as hammering or typing are susceptible to carpal tunnel.

Repetitive strain injuries occur when someone repetitively performs a task that damages one or more parts of the body. Some examples include working with vibrating equipment, sitting in uncomfortable positions, bending over, heavy lifting, and typing. Some of the most common conditions associated with repetitive strain injuries include tendinitis, hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder/rotator cuff injuries, herniated discs, aggravation of pre-existing conditions, as well as chronic neck, back, and joint pain. Symptoms include sore muscles, hurting joints, cramps, stiffness, tingling, and numbness.

To prevent repetitive strain injuries from taking place, it is best to change tools/grips, stretch regularly, take breaks, wear proper safety equipment, work with proper ergonomics, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and utilize proper lifting technique.

We’re happy to evaluate your repetitive strain or carpal tunnel injury case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive. You do not pay us a dime for our experienced representation until the insurance company hands you the check.

PA Workers Compensation Claims for Work-Related Asthma and Lung Disease

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes the airways of the lungs to swell and narrow. This can lead to shortness of breath, coughing, tightness in the chest, and wheezing. This condition is believed to be inherited genetically. Many employers will refuse to cover asthma treatments by claiming that, since the employee had asthma before starting the job, it is not the employer’s responsibility. This, however, is not true. Asthma is covered by Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits. If asthma is worsened/aggravated due to a working environment, it falls under the category of aggravation of pre-existing conditions. Aggravation of pre-existing conditions includes a former injury and/or illness being worsened or brought back because of working conditions.

Those most at risk for experiencing work-related asthma symptoms usually work jobs that involve lots of movement, fumes, and chemicals. Common workplaces include paper mills, gas drill sites, hydrofracking sites, chemical plants, and constructions sites. Those that work around fumes need to wear proper respiratory protection. This includes both masks and goggles. Also, anyone with asthma, regardless of how long it has been “under control”, should have an inhaler available at the jobsite at all times.

We’re happy to evaluate your lung disease or asthma caused by work case free of charge and let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive. You do not pay us a dime for our experienced representation until the insurance company hands you the check.

Let us fight for you.

We’ll let you know what rights and benefits you are entitled to receive, free of charge.

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